Portofino:Rock Think Impossible!


This book is an exciting history of the Fankhauser's ministry through Portofino:Rock Think Impossible!

Originally published in 2020 as a memoir, this is a challenging book to read, but well worth the effort. The book examines how the Holy Spirit acts miraculously through His willing servants. Walking in the Spirit is, in many ways, a blind adventure because the Spirit's goals are so different than the world’s typical desires.

You'll find many amazing stories of God’s sovereignty over evil; how a prayer ‘graduated’ Dave and Sandy from a business they built over a 10 year period, but eventually lost. How that loss was an unforeseen miracle that ultimately changed their lives. You'll discover what a life lived in the Spirit looks like in the 21st century, and how you can apply these practical and hope-filled spiritual lessons to your own life.

The Portofino:Rock Think Impossible! book is more than just a memoir; it's a "how to" book about how you too can apply a practical faith inside the church while simultaneously living that faith outside in the marketplace of life.

 You'll never be the same after reading this book. Order your copy today at the link below!